Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What a weekend!

Wow, it has been an busy weekend! I went for a manicure/pedicure, shopping, birthday party, church, brunch and just hanging out. Yet, I feel the same. I still can't pray. Part of me is fearful, part of me is disappointed. I have a good life and I am really blessed. I'm a lot more insecure than I ever knew I could be and lately, I have allowed my judgment to be clouded by my emotions - leaving me incapacitated to live the kind of life that I really want. My supervisor is on vacation and I have spent the last month and a half dreading this time. This is a moment where I really need to rest on the Lord and I just don't know how. The more I need him , the more I push him away. Well, I need some rest now. I have work in the morning...

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